Steam rooms

Steam rooms

steam room solutions

Rasul Bath

The oriental Rasul bath is closely related to the Turkish Hammam and embodies the same idea of a relaxing, almost ceremonial beauty treatment. In the Rasul®, you will experience the millennia-old knowledge of oriental culture and its beneficial effects on the body and soul through a ‘purification ritual’. The secret of the purification ritual is based on the interaction of different elements: fire, earth, air and water. While hot steam clouds pass through the room and nourishing healing muds pamper the skin, guests breathe in the wonderful herbal scent that fills the air. A warm tropical rain is the unforgettable conclusion of the bathing ritual. This Rasul ceremony developed by Kurland® is a worldwide protected brand and has become standard around the world. Due to its effective and skin-caring effect, the Rasul bath is used internationally – even on cruise ships and in day spa salons.

steam room solutions

Tepidarium (Roman)

The laconium is a relaxing, dry heat environment with a temperature of 38°C to 45°C, which is below the usual aggressive levels of a Finnish sauna. In Roman times, it was seen that the dry, sweating room of the thermae, adjacent to the caldarium steam room with its higher temperature provides a more relaxing, less-intense experience allowing for a longer treatment.

steam room solutions

Steam Bath

A steam room is a ceramic + mosaic tiled hot room filled with steam. The temperature ranges between °42C and °48C with %100 relative humidity. The duration of your stay in the steam room is usually relatively short. The temperature is established using the steam with an automatic essence dosing system introducing a peppermint or eucalyptus scent within the room. The benches can be contoured to enable sitting or lying depending on their design, but always sloped to let the condensation run towards the floor drain. The steam inlet is designed in such a way that it doesn’t interfere with the sitting position.

steam room solutions

Raxaul (Hammam)

The Raxaul bath is a variant of a steam bath, distinguished by a focus on water. The Hammam bath is a method of cleansing the body through a relaxing experience. A hot centre stone is erected within the room as a focal feature and an area for a soap massage. The bath room is a larger sociable room, which can cater for larger groups as well as individual treatment.

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